100% Free Build a Quiz App | With HTML, CSS, and JavaScript | Premium Certification

100% Free Build a Quiz App

100% Free Build a Quiz App: In this free premium certification candidates will learn:

ES6 JavaScript features like arrow functions, the spread operator, const and let, and template literal string

how to use the Fetch API to load trivia questions from an API

how to store high scores in Local Storage

how to use Flexbox, Animations, and REM units in CSS

how to create a progress bar from scratch

how to create a spinning loader icon from scratch

100% Free Build a Quiz App:


  • a text editor (Visual Studio Code suggested)
  • Google Chrome browser
  • an excitement to learn!


Want to improve your core Web Develoment skills? Want to improve your knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? In this course, you’re going to learn how to build a Quiz application without the assistance of libraries or frameworks. Here are some of the topic we will cover!

  • Save high scores in Local Storage
  • Create a progress bar
  • Create a spinning loader icon
  • Dynamically generate HTML in JavaScript
  • Fetch trivia questions from Open Trivia DB API

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Who this course is for:

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  • Beginner or aspiring Web Developers looking to learn core Web Development skills
  • Intermediate Web Developers looking to improve their core Web Development Skills

How to Enroll For AWS Identity and Access Management Course?

To enroll for AWS Identity and Access Management Course you may sign up on Udemy.com and then they must log in there. Kindly put the coupon code mentioned below to avail this course for free.

  1. Sign Up on Udemy.com
  2. To Join this course : Click Here

**Note: Free coupon/offer may expire soon.**

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